Hapi Birfday Bro.....

Wednesday, May 26, 2010



Saturday, May 8, 2010



Saturday, April 10, 2010

Untitled-1 copy




Sunday, March 14, 2010




Thursday, February 18, 2010




Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Unity Among Indianz....

Friday, February 12, 2010


we as the human being whom are unique, perfect and a fantastic creation by God.. we have 6th sense which is highest level in God's creation among the other creatures in this world.. but why we cant stay together and live a happy life? where is the unity among us especially in the Indian community??? in nowadays scenario, we can see with our own eyes itself that our community having a lot of problems and conflicts amongst us. in our country Malaysia there are 3 major races - Malays, Chinese and Indianz... for the first 2 races they have the unity among them but why cant we do the same thing..???? is that a big deal 4 us..?? because of the lack of unity among us others causing other not to have respect on us. so how they will have a good perception on our community..?? everyone should be concerned about this... it all begin from the elders because they use to compare the cast among our community... why should they think and act like that? and this will be taught to their children from they are small and the unity among the children will start to lose slowly. then when they grow up they use the same thing and this will be continue happening just like what they have been taught. in this era please don't see the cast and now its no more time to see that stupid things all. we are stepped back from the other races and now we should unite and help each other to come forward.... if we see the Indian students in schools, they also have no unity among them and fight each other till now... why we should be like this??? and how long more we wanna remain like this??? we should throw out the anger, jealousy and bad habits in us, then only we can achieve the unity... in schools, we are actually small kids and haven’t realized or learned about unity ..... but whats wrong with the university and college students??? why we cant stay unite and live happily??? why must have pro and anti in university or colleges...?? doesn't it sounds like a stupid thing and just because of the pro and anti spirit, we wanna lose our friends???? think about it friends... just because of it, should we fight each other?? if u don't like a person's leadership just keep quiet and walk off, don't make any trouble... just because our mouth or tongue could not be controlled, we got into trouble and cant achieve unity... if we keep shut, no problems will arise... everything will be fine and we can live happily and enjoy the university or college life to the maximum....


Monday, February 8, 2010


Every single human being in this world had their own sense of thinking, so that they can make correct judgments and also identify the good and bad things in life. So, every human in this world should have their own principle to lead a better life. But in this unsecured world how many of us having our own principle and following it accordingly...??? Instead, we all just live our life without principles by doing nothing beneficial for us. A person who lives a life without any principles, just like an ordinary person, is totally different with those who have principles in their life. They have more wisdom and live a perfect life. Although both may face the same hardships in life, but the one with principle can handle and manage it easily. but those without principle they will get confused and upset easily because they can’t manage any situation with problems... the person with principle are very rare to find unlike the opposite category which can be said is the majority. Come on people let us think, whether we can make life better with principle or without principle.... the fact that we can see is those with principle achieve the success in their life... That’s the real fact!!! We can see from the leaders around the world who had succeeded in their lives now... those who don’t have principle, they don’t realize the problems that they might face in future. How can they face any problems??? it is because they don’t have principle that can make them to think and differentiate between good and bad on what they want to do. they also never thought about the effects that they will face in future...so, when and after they face any problems then only they realize what they had done.... people out there, many of us still don’t have principles in life and just go through the life with no aim.... let us start from now onwards to have principles in our life so that we can make our lives better....

ask yourself – Am I having principles ....????

Valge Tamil...

Sunday, February 7, 2010


Second Celebration...


21st Birfday Celebration..



Tuesday, February 2, 2010


In this world nothing is permanent and belongs to us. Everything is God’s creation and we all are just borrowing and using it. That’s the real issue that we all should be concerned about. So, as residents of this world we all have our own society that differ from countries, states, district and also the place we are staying now. We all need each other. Thus, without mixing up among the society around us, we will be facing a big problem. If in case we are in trouble and need help to whom we will ask 4 help??? For sure we would ask it from the society around us... but if we are not mixing up with them they won’t know us and we can’t get any help. This is the real scenario that is happening in our own society itself mainly at the urban area. The city people are always very busy with their works and stuffs till they don’t know their neighbours and also the society around them. Besides that, we are living in east side and following the east culture but not the west culture. The reason why I’m saying this is because nowadays our society had forgotten their origin and our culture till following the west culture. not to mean that we cannot follow the west life style but only certain things we can follow and take in certain thing that can benefits us.... I’m very sad and disappointed with our society whom forgot their own culture and instead, following the west culture... what i meant by that is the way we dressed up, talk, and more which shows that we are influenced by the west culture. The worst would be the girls. I’m not blaming them but this is the truth that everyone should be concerned about. The way some of them dress up is totally terrible... they dressed up like what, the celebrities in cinemas? but they dont realize that the celebrities are dressed up in such way just for temporarily. this will cause them to endanger themselves which they can be faced by the guys. girls give attraction to guys to tease them and thus, something bad might happen. but everyone blaming the guys instead, but the real reason is that what i have stated above. the guys cant also be said good. where is their thinking ability to justify which is right and wrong... they also take alcohol, drugs and cigarettes like what the celebs are doing in cinemas. the purpose the celebs are doing that is just for entertainment and it is temporary but this kind of guys really dont have sense to think and cause trouble in the society.... so people lets make a change in our society so that we can be a role models to other countries.....



Thursday, January 21, 2010


Humanity in this world are continuing their generation by having birth. Who is giving birth? As well a women can do it and they are great birth by creation of GOD. We should thank to GOD for a great creation by him and also for not giving it to us. That person we called mother or mom. If they are not in this world where will be we? Will us in this world? Definitely no..!!! Do we appreciate her on what she had done and still doing for us? Sure some of us havent do it and some of us appreciate her. For those who are not appreciate her please do it so coz we cant expect that she will be with us all the time and the seconds of our life... She sacrifice her life at the time when she gave us birth. Then give us milk and we drank it. She do everything since we are small till now and till we get married. How many of us realize about it..???? We just loitering off and make our mother hurts by scolding her, irritate her, not listening to her and so on... As long we are doing the same mistake for sure we wont live happily in the future and we will be punished by GOD either on that time or a couple of time.... Dont let her hurting all the time. Of coz she ll forgive us but if in one time that she couldn’t take it then if she curse us, finished!! That’s it we wont be have a happy life... Besides that, later on after we get married dont us forget what she had done for us, take good care of her. Even though we have to take care of our wife and family but dont forget our mother coz she will be old later on and needs us till the end of her life....Like what happens in our country and all over the world, some of us listen to wife and just left off ou mother to orphanage house with no pity and realize what she had done to us... Please people, realize now on what i had said above about mother and her sacrifice on us....


20 STEPS...

Monday, January 18, 2010


1.Take a 10-3- minutes walk everyday and while you walk,smile.It is the
ultimate anti-depressant.

2.Sit in silence for at least 10 minutes each day.

3.But a DVR or tape your late night shows and get more sleep.

4.Spend time with people over the age of 70 and under the age of 6.

5.Dream more while you are awake.

6.Eat more foods that grow on trees and plants and eat less food that is
manufactured in plants.

7.Drink green tea and plenty of warm water.Eat blueberries,wild Alaskon
salmon,broccoli,almonds and walnuts.

8.Try to make at least three people smile each day.

9.Clear clutter from your house,car,desk ad let new and flowing energy into
your life.

10.Don’t waste your precious energy on gossip,energy vampires,issues of the
past,negative thoughts or thing you cannot control.

11.Eat breakfast like a king,lunch like a prince and dinner like a college kid
with maxed out charge card.

12.Don’t take yourself so seriously.No one else does.

13.You don’t have to win every argument.Agree to disagree.

14.Don’t compare your life to other’s.You have no idea what their journey is all

15.Forgive everyone for everything.

16.What other people think of you is none of your business.

17.Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick.Your friends will.Stay in

18.No matter how you feel,get up,dress up n show up.

19.Do the right thing.

20.Call your family often or email them.



Every creatures in this world have feelings not only the humanity but also the animals, insects on so on. If we considered the word of love there are many definition that have given by the philosopher. As the true definition of love is a feeling is to shared to another person. It can be a feelings towards a guy or to a girl, to our parents, siblings, relatives or friends. This is the true define of love. But how many of us have know about it or concern about the true meaning of love?? Some of us said that love is the way we shows the loyalty to a person that we love with having sex. That’s not the true meaning of love. Dont us just follows the west cultures for this issues. Love is a wonderful feelings that normally we had since we born. Love to our parents and family. But we dont know and realize it. And also dont define it as love. not just to tell to others that we are in love is a true love but the main thing is understanding between the two heart, respect, loyalty, and more. Moreover, this kind of love not only can be shared or doing dating but in distance also can be done. There are a lot of people out there are in the same situation like staying far away from their loved individu. For those people like that dont be scared or worried about the loved person that just you are staying far away from them. Be positive. And those who are close to their loved person all the best, but remember not to be hold them all the time. They also need to be with their friends because they came first in their life than only you. If this happened, surely there will be a conflict in your relationship and goes to break-off. So be alert.!!!


THAT’S NATURE....!!!!!


Saturday, January 16, 2010


Humanity is the group of creatures that have 6th sense and best creatures in this world. We can considered ourself as a actor and acting this world which is considered as a theater stage. So nothing in this world is belong to us that we have bring to this world. Easy way we can say what we had bring that can be belongs to us? Everything is general to everyone that have to be shared within us. So dont be to stingy to shared about. This life had been said and define as a wheel. Why they had said so? Life as wheel?? Hmmm sounds weird and tricky right? Dont worry i ll explain to everyone. The life that we live now and what we are doing every second is not will be permanent. the success or failure in our life that we are facing is not will be life long and permanent. Everyone will face it. Sometimes we will be on top and sometimes we will drop down. Not all the time we will stayed on top of the life and not all the time we will stayed down. So those who are on top please dont arrogant coz anytime u ll drop down. And for those who are at the bottom dont feel so upset coz not all the time u will stay on the bottom be patient and dont get stressed think bout it. Everyone’s life’s nature that we should face patiently.So people lets think and be patient to face our life and noting is in our hand but we can make changes. Dont just follow what does our heart said coz it is like a monkey even though we are in which part of wheel we will wont think and make changes bout it.







Friday, January 15, 2010


We as the 6th sense of human being were the best n the ever best creation by GOD. But how many of us had thank to god for bring us to this world.??? And how many of us had realize the purpose of this birth and go through it? We are going through this birth without knowing the purpose of our birth in this world. We are going through this life with doing all the mistakes and all the negative characteristic in this world. So first we have to find the purpose of our birth. Everyone had their own purpose that we have to find n explore it. So for knowing the purpose we should follows our own religions thoughts and to be more to GOD. For sure we will and get to know the purpose of our birth. Moreover if we get to know the purpose of this birth surely we dont get involve in any negative activities, negative thoughts, negative visualization, negative talks and more. In my opinion we should have a chit chat with so many people which variety of character and acting. So we can start knowing step by step of the purpose of our life. Other than that, as what i had said above we should more to GOD and for the HINDU followers i suggest that everyone knows that LORD GANESHA is the 1st GOD that we will pray at home or temple. We should pray him and get closer to him then surely u ll get to know the purpose n the future of your own. Not mean that we cant pray others n closer to them but just try n see surely u ll get what i told above. I had try and im closer to him , i get to know the purpose of my birth in this world and so you all also. Surely we ll can make a changes by knowing the purpose of our birth.


Hero Of The World....

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Sunday, January 10, 2010


"Forgive & forget it" that’s the real culture and characteristic of a human being. But now days are we doing and follows the real characters of human being? Are we acting like a 6th sense of human being? That statement just a statement that we can read it from book or hear it from the elders and not following it. Everything had changed by the changes of the world. Now days people are more to revenge and forget about the forgiveness. What others done to us we revenge it back by doing the same actions or something supreme. If this continues, the world will end with no human in this world. When a revenge feelings feels in a human he totally will out of a normal human being life and will be a key to them to do mistakes that could change their life forever. Everyone dont realize it and just follows our feelings without think the effects that they will be facing in future. We need and must change the character to revenge on others. For that we have law and orders that we can use it. What we need and must do is just do a table talk or have conversations to them we had problem and solve it. That’s it! Its not a big deal to do so. For sure all those problems or misunderstandings with others can be solved and live happy life. Dont keep in heart that can be hurting to others.


Saturday, January 9, 2010


"Without a friendship he or she is not a normal human being, otherwise the person sacrifice for friendship is a grateful person...." These the definition or statement that have been told to us and for sure it is. All of us have friends either boys or girls as long it a friendship. But how many of us really understand the use of a friend and understand them? A friend is a place where we can share our feelings, emotions and problems. We can admite them as a second home for us because we dont share our feelings, emotions and problems to our parents mostly. They ll listen to us and give us advise, moral support for us so as what we need 2 do to our friend. But some of us just thought that a friend just a past going relationship and dont maintain it till the end. Some of us dont able to understand a friends character even its a long term friendship. So we cant expect to those had new friendship to understand their friend. Everyone should take note on this even its a long term or new friendship, please understand your friends behavior and character so that we ll able to manage any situation that can bring crashes within our frienship. this also will avoid us from misunderstanding. This are happened in our life today and world. Some of us think if they had problem like a gang fight they ask to their friend to help them. That’s not friendship! A friend should advise them not to be in problem by taking care of their attitudes. So by giving them advise and doing moral activities along together surely can avoid all those problem and can avoid of misunderstanding of a friend. So friends the life that we are living now are not permanent and we dont know what’s gonna happened in next second let us make friends and stay with friends with no misunderstand till the last breath......



Friday, January 8, 2010


We as a human being and residence on this earth deserve changes in us and others. If we see from the past n the songs, we are listening, listened and thought on the needs and the ways to make changes in our life and self. But how many of us had took the initiative to make changes? This because of the busy life of ours we dont take it serious and dont wanna take know about it. In ourselves there are different type of character which is anger, proud to be, jealousy, cheating and more have to be change by us for living a good life and respectful within human being. Moreover, the way we think or our thinking also should be changed with not only think typically. By our thinking we can made a lot of changes and a lot of had changed such as our culture, dressing codes, language style and more that some of it are not relevant changes. Is it a need in our life of the changes? So we need to think widely but not narrow. By thinking widely we can made changes that we deserve in our life. The negative characteristic in ourselves can be occurred by think widely and can solve the problem in our life easily. If we start to make changes in the way we think definitely we can made changes in our life and also the world will get change. The world will get peace and no war. ;-)



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